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Tobacco and Your Teeth: Reasons to Avoid Smoking

We’ve all heard that tobacco products, especially cigarettes are bad for our health, but here are some things related to tobacco you may not know.

Worldwide, death due to tobacco use claims 500,000 women per year and that number is expected to double by year 2020.
North Carolina is ranked 12th for deaths due to lung cancer […]

    Don’t Forget to Floss Your Arteries

    Scary things like Diabetes, Stroke, Heart Disease, and Pancreatic Cancer can result from a lack of Brushing &, Flossing

    Can a toothbrush help clean out your heart? Surprisingly, yes. Brushing your teeth has been shown to be the first step in preventing periodontal disease that can lead to heart disease, stroke, and diabetes complications.

    80% of adults […]

      Good Kisses Begin With Great Oral Hygiene

      Tis the season to kiss. Did you know there are more wedding proposals and weddings that occur on Valentine’s day? Valentine’s day always conjures up love romance and kisses in my mind. But are you ready to kiss? Have you taken the steps to make yourself more kissable?
      Some Tips if you anticipate a kiss is […]

      By |February 11th, 2015|Uncategorized|

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      Andrea Robinson Dental Studio
      2900 Lyndhurst Avenue
      Winston Salem, NC 27103

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